What Happens When Urethral Sounding Goes Wrong?

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Sounding is a highly kinky sexual activity that involves using stainless steel rods to penetrate the urethra. Cock sounding can cause some of the most unique orgasms for men. Some claim that the orgasms are even stronger and much more intense than those that you can reach through anal prostate milking! Women can also take great sexual pleasure in sounding. But what happens when urethral sounding goes wrong? Check out our urethral sounding guide below!

Urethral Sounding Benefits

As one of the most extreme types of sexual play, urethral sounding can raise some health risks. However, this form of sexual play initially began as a type of medical procedure. It was first used as a means of clearing blockages in the urethral opening. When practiced with care and safety, sounding can feel incredibly satisfying for both sexes.

The reason why it can feel good is due to the high density of nerves found in the genitals. Stimulating those sensitive nerves from the inside can achieve a truly unique sensation. 

As mentioned, the practice of sounding refers to the insertion of thin steel rods into a person’s pee hole. It is different from other forms of stuffing or sex toy insertion. Some other names for this activity are penis stuffing, cock stuffing, or urethral stuffing. And according to historical evidence, the practice of urethral play dates back to the 11th century.

As mentioned, this kind of stimulation can create an incredibly unique feeling. It is a highly personal kink. However, it is not for everyone. 

Those who enjoy it can practice it due to the physical feelings of intense nerve stimulation. Sounding can target the bladder, prostate, and G-spot, as well as intensify other types of stimulation. Moreover, there is a major psychological aspect to it since it is unconventional and incredibly taboo. Some people, especially BDSM fans, enjoy it because of that.

Urethral Sounding Feeling 

The urethra is meant to expel urine or semen, and that’s why it is packed with nerves. With long metal rods, it’s possible to stimulate the urethra along its entire length. 

Like we’ve said above, sounding can also stimulate other sensitive areas like the prostate. For many, it can go a step beyond intense prostate milking and result in even stronger orgasms. Since anal prostate orgasms are considered to be the most powerful for men, you can only imagine what an orgasm from urethral sounding could feel like! Using a steel sound or a whole kit can also provide incredibly cold sensations, pain, and an uneasy feeling. 

What’s more, many submissive people could enjoy it, as well as women who take pleasure in femdom. Some have described this activity as falling somewhere in-between pain and pleasure. 

Sounding Too Rough

While urethral sounding borders on pain, it can cause some health issues if you are not extremely careful. Namely, it can sometimes feel too rough. One of the reasons for this may be the tightness of the urethral tube. 

Beginners should start with a very thin rod. It’s advisable to practice before trying anything that is more intense. For men, rods can be used for deep stimulation. However, women should only stick to smaller sounds since the female urethra is much shorter. Additionally, using these rods is quite different compared to other urethral toys like penis plugs. 

Urethral Sound Is Too Big 

If sounding feels incredibly rough, you may not be doing it correctly. The rods are the most effective when inserted into a semi-erect cock. To properly experience sounding, it’s essential to not push or force the rod. Namely, the weight of the metal has to work together with gravity. 

When it is inserted, you can wiggle and move it. The rod can also remain stationary while you experiment with other sensations (prostate play, etc.). 

However, some problems can arise if the rod is too large and if it is used incorrectly. For instance, a big rod can tear an untrained urethra. This can cause long-term health concerns. Additionally, you should never insert it too far. Ideally, if you are looking for your first metal sound, it should ensure a snug fit that is not excessively tight. An average rod should be about seven to eight inches long. 

Who Should Not Try Urethral Sounding

Some people who already suffer from health issues should avoid the activity altogether. This includes anyone who is experiencing urethral discharge. Additionally, do not attempt it if you have an active STI. Even if you have a history of various infections like herpes, sounding could pose a big risk. Moreover, it’s better to avoid it if you have experienced any urethral injury in the past. 

All of the previously mentioned issues could intensify with sounding and could lead to serious health risks. 

How to Avoid Mishaps When Sounding

The sounding kink involves a big risk of urinary tract infections. It’s especially important to minimize the risk since the urethra is very vulnerable. In most cases, this activity causes infections due to two mistakes. The first mistake you could make is to use a dirty rod. The best way to avoid complications is to always sterilize the metal toys by boiling them. The second mistake is to use inadequate lube. Namely, you should only use medical-grade surgical lube for this activity. 

Avoiding those issues and using lots of lube could save you a trip to the emergency room.

Always remember that, like many similar penis insertion fetishes, urethral sounding can bring mild to moderate pain. Yet, many individuals can build up tolerance and train their urethra to handle a lot of pressure without any pain. Even still, if it feels incredibly rough and too painful, you may not be doing it correctly. The rods are the most effective when inserted into a semi-erect cock. 

To properly experience sounding, it’s essential to not push or force the rod. Namely, the weight of the metal has to work together with gravity. When it is inserted, you can wiggle and move it. The rod can also remain stationary while you experiment with other sensations (prostate play, etc.). This is one of the easiest ways to use urethral rods while staying safe.  You also have to consider the type of plug that you want to use. There are tons of varieties to choose from and the sensation would depend on the style of the plug. You can Go Here to see some of the bests in the market,

Finally, urethral play is a personal choice. If your mistress or master is forcing you into it, do not give them the consent until you feel ready. If you are practicing urethral sounding with another person, make sure that they know exactly what they’re doing. 


Are you brave enough to try urethral sounding? If you stick to the safety rules and follow our advice, you could attempt urethral sounding and experience something truly special! Good luck! 

If you enjoyed this guide, you will enjoy this article from Metro that further talks about urethral sounding.